Start Here (Nonprofit)
Business Non-Profit Information
Non Profit Organizations
Selected Subjects in Library Catalog
Consider these suggestions a beginning, once selected use the additional entry points as clues.
Charitable uses trusts and foundations
Community organization
Museum attendance
Nonprofit organizations
Keyword: nonprofit
990 returns
Foundation Center 990 Finder An fast way to find financial filings for foundations, public charities and nonprofits.
Economic Research Institute ERI Nonprofit Organizations
Directory and 990 Forms
Try searching: Associated Students of California State University San Marcos
Exempt Organizations: IRS Master File Data.
This IRS site lists tax-exempt organizations, by state, or region. Downloadable compressed excel files.
Recommended Databases
ProQuest Direct
Includes complete ABI Inform (business) and Newsstand publications.
Covers news and business information, including Dow Jones and Reuters newswires and The Wall Street Journal, plus more than 8,000 other sources providing current news.
General Sources
Pivot Access to funding opportunities and research grants worldwide. Important to narrow your search. If using Pivot for Senior Experience projects best to ask your professor or business librarian for best practices use. There are also alternative sources available, just ask us.
Annual Register of Grant Support. AS911.A2 A67 2009 Research Help Desk
Corporate, private, and public funding opportunities as well as educational associations and unions. Each entry provides eligibility, procedures, deadlines, and contact information.
National Center for Charitable Statistics (Urban Institute)
Charity Navigator: Student Recommended!
Charity directory and interactive financial evaluator
Find Funders: Foundation Center
Locate basic information by organization name, contact information and 990 IRS returns. Contains statistics on foundation and grant activity, search for RFP announcements for calls for grant applications. Search and apply for Federal Grants, how to apply and community blogs. Free registration required to view some content
A national registry of nonprofit organizations. Provides resources such as articles, regulations, resources for non-profit organizations and donor opportunities. Organization information including 990 returns.
The Foundation directory. AS911.A2 F65 REFERENCE Ask a CSUSM Librarian for referral to access.
Wise Giving Alliance Better Business Bureau
Selected Books
Click to see: E-books, Print books and videos in the library: Subject Fund Raising Published 2010-2018.
Most recent titles --
Heyman, D., & Brenner, L. (2016). Nonprofit fundraising 101: A practical guide with easy to implement ideas & tips from industry experts.
Jean-François, E., Drew, S., Lankas, P., & Jean Francois, E. (2015). Financial sustainability for nonprofit organizations. New York: Springer Publishing Company.
Selected Journals
Article: - What We Know and Want to Know: About San Diego's Nonprofit Landscape - in The Voice of San Diego
Trade Journal - The Chronicle of Philanthropy - via EBSCOHost
Association Management. ProQuest Direct
Fund Raising Management. ProQuest Direct
Journal of Nonprofit & Public Sector Marketing. HF5410 .J685 Pais, PsychInfo
Nonprofit management & Leadership. ProQuest Direct
Books | eBooks | more
Library Catalog Search (general template)
Physical & online books, media, and more can be located in the following ways:
- Search the Library Catalog (use dropdown left-hand side for search types: subject, author, etc.)
OR - Search for an e-book, choose an e-book database from the list and use the search bar to enter terms
- Remember off-campus access requires log-in with CSUSM User ID and Password
Non Profit Books, eBooks and More (JSO 1/16)
When searching the collections for books on this topic try the following keywords and subject headings.
Charities | Charitible uses, trusts and foundations | Community organizations | Defferred giving | Endowments | Foundations | Fund raising | Grants-in-aid | Non-profit organizations | Non-governmental organizations | Proposal writing for grants | Research Grants
Select books, eBooks, and more below
Key Performance Indicators for Governments and Non Profit Agencies [eBook]
Fundraising with Business: 40 new (and improved) Strategies for Nonprofits [eBook]
Smart Stewardship for Nonprofits: Making the Right Decision in Good Times and
Bad [eBook]
Reaching Your Financial Goal: Crowdfunding and Grants [e-Video via Films on Demand]
Databases | Journals | Articles
Most Useful
Database | Full Text | Coverage | Scholarly |
ProQuest i
Search all of ProQuest's databases. |
Some full-text; plus links to full-text via Get-It | 1971 to current | Most |
Factiva i
Covers news and business information, including Dow Jones and Reuters newswires and The Wall Street Journal, plus more than 8,000 other sources providing current news. The Library has a license that allows a maximum of 20 users at a time use Factiva. |
Full-text | 1975 to current | Some |
Also Useful
Non Profit (Articles/Journals) JSO 1/16
Search articles and journals on nonprofits and fundraising topics in CSUSM's premium databases.
Select List of Journals [Journal Title, Database containing Journal]
Association Management. ProQuest Direct
Fund Raising Management. ProQuest Direct
Journal of Nonprofit & Public Sector Marketing. HF5410 .J685 Pais, PsychInfo
Nonprofit management & Leadership. ProQuest Direct
Business News
Business News
Professional analysis of case studies requires more than these recommended sources! In addition to these recommended business news sources, use the library OneSearch on the Home Page of the library to look across all library material. Expect to narrow and limit your results.
Top Premium Subscription Business News Sources
ABI Inform Complete (Proquest)
Excellent studies, reports, and trade and industry news.
ABI Tips!
- Change sort order to Newest Date first
- Narrow by Subject (more options)
Business Source Premier (EBSCO)
Good for trade news and the only place to find Harvard Business Review (HBR selected not all).
Excellent for international and major business news. (WSJ, NYT, Washington Post, San Diego Union-Tribune)
Factiva Tips!
- Change Date from 3 months to 2 years
- Choose the NEWS PAGES on the black bar to get the latest 2 weeks WSJ, NYT, LA Times, Washington Post and others
Business News Publications
Newsbank: America's News
Full text of major news sources including the Los Angeles Times and the San Diego Union-Tribune, and Press Enterprise
San Diego Union Tribune Link here and print edition, see 3rd floor of the library (behind the research help desk).
San Diego Business Journal Proquest ABI Inform and print edition, see 3rd floor of the library (behind the research help desk).
Press Enterprise Riverside County Newsbank
Bloomberg BusinessWeek Full text through Business Sources Premier
Bloomberg Tip! Search within this publication top right
The Economist (online) Full text link. [via Proquest ABI Inform] Free Economist gives only limited content
Financial Times (London) ABI Inform (Proquest) Last month not available.
Harvard Business Review Ebsco - Business Source Premier -- Full text of Harvard business review.
HBR Tips!
- Some full text not available electronically. See paper edition HF5001.H3 (4th floor periodicals)
- Case studies are not available in this subscription
Trade and Professional Associations -- Industry Trending News
Look to trade association pages on the free web. Many industry and news reports will identify them. Some information is available free, but most are only available to members. Get around this by searching the association name for news reports in the above databases. Examples of trade and professional associations are the National Restaurant Association; American Library Association.
Find associations in the industry reports recommended here, such as First Research. Search on the web using .org Find references to associations in news article
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Judy Opdahl
KEL 3424